Tata Electronics has announced the appointment of Dr Randhir Thakur, a former Intel executive and leading figure in the semiconductor industry, as CEO and MD. Till recently, Dr Thakur was heading Intel Foundry Services as its president and has worked with Intel
Manager (Customer Experience Solutions) – Based in Singapore (Job ID : 771269)
Brief Position Descriptions / Responsibilities : This position will be required to deliver the following Scope of Responsibilities: • Develop Customer Relationship & Experiences Management by leveraging on DMP, CRO, CRM, web, social, mobile Solutions • Work requirements involve at
Consultant (UIUX) – Based in Singapore (Job ID : 771268)
Brief Position Descriptions / Responsibilities : This position will be required to deliver the following Scope of Responsibilities: • Direct UI/UX at multiple points of the product’s timeline • Deliver on a user experience vision, together with a plan for
Consultant (Solution Architect) – Based in Singapore (Job ID : 771267)
Brief Position Descriptions / Responsibilities : This position will be required to deliver the following Scope of Responsibilities: • To make intuitive high level decisions for software development, create architectural approaches for software design and implementation to develop guide for
Consultant (Product Management) – Based in Singapore (Job ID : 771266)
Brief Position Descriptions / Responsibilities : This position will be required to deliver the following Scope of Responsibilities: • Define product strategy and roadmap and align with product initiators • Drive and manage product integrations with industry partners and platforms